Raising Chicks Quick FAQ

2  old baby chick in brooder

This is an in depth FAQ for raising chicks (for those in a hurry). 

Quick FAQ 

  • Do my chicks require special feed? YES! Chick Starter and Grower is the only thing you should feed your chicks. Anything else can be detrimental to their health, be it short term or long term.
  • What temperature should my chicks be? Through week 1, the brooder should be 95 Degrees. Each week this can be lowered by 5 degrees until room temperature is attained. 
  • What should my brooder bedding be? Use pine shavings for all chick brooders. Do NOT use anything else, including cedar chips (harmful to chicks), newspaper (toxic), paper towels (causes spraddle legs), or bare wire (too cold)
  • When will my breed start laying? This varies from breed to breed. Some breeds lay as early as 16 weeks (ISA Brown), while others take upwards of 30 weeks (Wyandottes).
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